Vancouver City Council |
1. Inner City Funding for Vancouver Schools (File 4101)
At the Regular Council meeting held April 22, 2003, the following Motion was submitted by Councillor Roberts. Councillor Sullivan called Notice under Section 5.4 (c) of the Procedure By-law. The Motion was placed on the Agenda for the next Regular Council meeting to be held April 24, 2003, immediately following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting.
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
WHEREAS the Ministry of Children and Family Development has decided to cut $4.1 million from inner city schools programs in Vancouver over the next two years, and
WHEREAS the Vancouver School Board is already facing a $2.4 million cut in its current operating budget from the Ministry of Education, and
WHEREAS Vancouver has large numbers of children in need who suffer from the adverse impacts of poverty, 9000 of whom are fed at school meal programs,
A. THAT the City of Vancouver express its concern to the Ministry of Children and Family Development that urban poverty will be increased due to diminished social services, escalating user fees, cuts in school meal programs, and other decreased services for Vancouver's poorest students,
B. THAT the City of Vancouver demand the Government ensure funding for Vancouver's inner city schools be protected so that vital programs that have a positive impact on students and their families can remain in place,
C. THAT the City of Vancouver call for an end to the downloading of provincial responsibility for services for children living in poverty so that no child goes to school too hungry to learn and that every child receives an equal opportunity to succeed at school.